Meteorological Database

Select date range:
Please notice records can be retrieved from 1/12/2021, for previous records click here
Select hours:
Hourly radiation data are the average of one hour ending at the specified time
The start date can't be greater than the end date
Select stations:
Close {{location.display}}
Select units:
Select parameters:
{{imsc.climateAttributes.parameters[imsc.selectedTimebase][]["description"]}} ({{imsc.climateAttributes.parameters[imsc.selectedTimebase][]["units"]}}) ({{imsc.units[imsc.climateAttributes.parameters[imsc.selectedTimebase][]['type']][imsc.selectedUnits[imsc.climateAttributes.parameters[imsc.selectedTimebase][]['type']]].units }})
By stations By parameters
The selected stations don't measure the required parameters
The number of records is too big, please select narrower time range and/or fewer stations
There is unknown issue, please try again later
Please select at least one location
Please select at least one attribute
Please select at least one radiation type
Please select at least one hour
No data was found for the requested time period
  • The element {{imsc.climateAttributes["parameters"][imsc.selectedTimebase][attribute_key].description}} is missing for the following stations:
    • {{imsc.allStations[station_id].name}}
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