
June was an exceptional month with three unusaul weather events which included widespread rainfall, thunderstorms, high temperatures, strong wind gusts and dust storms. Each event in itself was unusual for this month and the series of events was very unusual, to which we may add a similar event in the end of May.

Monthly rain amounts were not large and reached several millimeters, but they fell over most of the country, including the southern Negev and the Arava. This is unprecedented for June in terms of spatial distribution. In the first half of June there were several Sharav days and in one of them temperature records for June were broken in some stations. On the other hand, there were cooler than average days mostly in the mountains and inland, so in those areas June temperatures were near average. In the coastal plain they were slightly higher than average.

The first half of 2023 is ranked eighth in the nationwide series of temperature measurements since 1950.
